SPAM and Unsolicited E-Mail

Sending unsolicited e-mail is prohibited. We at Bardstown Internet Service are very serious about this issue, and any violation may lead to termination of service.

Please visit these web sites for more information.


Use of Bardstown Internet services constitutes the acceptance of the following terms and conditions:

1. Customer agrees to pay for services rendered according to the current billing policies. Billing is in the form of an email statement or by United States Postal mail and user agrees to honor payment from said bank in the form of an electronic funds transaction or funds sent by United States Postal mail service

2. Customer account balances are due within 20 days of the date the account is billed. Accounts billed on the 1st of the month, are due in our office by the 21st. Accounts billed on the 15th, are due in our office around the 5th of the following month. Accounts not paid by the due date will be suspended at the discretion of Bardstown Internet Service until at least the past due balance is paid.  Unpaid balances will be sent to collections after 90 days.

3. Account balances can be paid by check, bank draft, or credit card. A customer’s account will be charged $20 for checks returned to us due to insufficient funds, closed account, etc.

4. Proper cancellations must include customer’s username and password for cancellation to be effective. Upon receipt of cancellation, it is the user’s responsibility to pay all fees incurred up to the date in which the cancellation is to be effective.

5. You are responsible for notifying Bardstown Internet Service regarding any changes in your account information. These changes include, but are not limited to your name, address, telephone number, or electronic funds transactions information.

6. Bardstown Internet Service makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. Bardstown Internet Service takes no responsibility for any damages suffered by you including, but not limited to, loss of data, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by Bardstown Internet Service own negligence or your errors and/or omissions. We make no guarantee of privacy on this system. However, we will not disclose any personal email or other messages without a court order.

7. Use of any information obtained via this service is at your own risk. Bardstown Internet Service specifically declines any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through our services. We do not censor any personal messages, files, newsgroups, or activities in any way.

8. Individuals will not use their account for illegal and/or abusive purposes including, but not limited to, posting or downloading child pornography, on-line gambling, intentional spreading of computer viruses, unlawful entry into public or private computer systems, including Bardstown Internet Service, Inc. own infrastructure, trafficking in stolen credit card codes, spamming, mail-bombing, or any other violation of Federal or State law. Any individuals partaking in the illegal or abusive activities may be terminated without notice.

9. Users will not engage in any activity that unreasonably burdens Bardstown Internet Service, Inc. system resources. Opening more than one dial-up connection using the same account at any one time constitutes an unreasonable burden. User agrees to maintain only one dial-up connection at any time per account.

10. Unlimited access to the Internet is defined as an active session. Any connection left inactive for more than 15 minutes may be disconnected. You may not use a "keep-alive program" to simulate activity. You may not maintain a continuous connection of 1 day or more when using a dial-up account. Connections exceeding 1 day may be terminated and a warning may be issued to the appropriate account. Further violations may result in termination of the offending account. Users requiring a continuous uninterrupted connection to the Internet need to purchase dedicated access.

11. If you use another organization's networks or computing resources, you are subject to their permission and usage policies.

12. Please note that you are responsible for your charges from the date you sign up and your account is created, not when you start to use your account. You are also responsible for all charges billed by Bardstown Internet Service for your account to the date you notify Bardstown Internet Service to terminate your account service.

13. These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. A current copy will be available on-line through our "Terms and Conditions" link on our home page. Continued usage of your account after a new policy has gone into effect constitutes acceptance of that policy. We encourage you to regularly check the policy statement for any changes.

14. Bardstown Internet Service will not be held responsible for any long distance charges accrued by its clients due to a misunderstanding and improper entry of the correct dial-up number in their software. The client assumes full responsibility for entering the correct dial-up phone number in their Internet software based on the city they will be in while using their Internet connection to Bardstown Internet.

15. Bardstown Internet Service reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at anytime without disclosing the reasons for doing so.

16. Bardstown Internet Service reserves the right to cancel a clients service at any time without disclosing the reasons for doing so and refund the pro-rated amount of his/her paid balance based on the day of cancellation.

17. Bardstown Internet Service is not responsible for the condition of your modem, or the software drivers used for your modem, and/or any upgrades, service, and repair of your modem. Any upgrade chosen and/or implemented is the sole responsibility of the owner of that modem, and any contract that owner may have with the manufacturer of the modem.
18. All Domains registered through Bardstown Internet Service are required to adhere to the policies linked below:
Master Contract Exhibit A
ICANN Policy

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